Texas Woman Wins 1.2 Million Dollars With ‘Unheard Of’ Derby Bet
One lucky woman in Texas won big with her bets on this year's Kentucky Derby. The Kentucky Derby is known for their wild hats and delicious mint juleps, but let's not forget the major betting that happens at the Debry and all over the country. One Texas woman hit it big with her bet on Saturday, walking away with $1.43 million. Austinite Margaret Reid spent a meager $18 on a Pick 5 wager, where she selected the winners of 5 consecutive races. She picked correct for the final 5 races of the day at the Kentucky Derby while betting at Retama Park Racetrack in Selma, Texas. Reid chose Justify to take 144th win at the Kentucky Derby, as well as "Limousine Liberal in the eighth race, Churchill Downs Stakes; Maraud in the American Turf Stakes; 39-1 longshot Funny Duck in the Pat Day Mile Stakes and 9-1 longshot Yoshida in the Old Forester Turf Classic Stakes," according to MySanAntonio.
A representative for Retama Park said that Margaret Reid's win was "extremely rare" be cause of how little she bet and how massive her win was. To put it into perspective, she won almost as much money as the owner's of Justify the horse won. Justify's owners walked away with 1.432 million dollars to be split amongst them. Retama Park's manager said that Reid was in the bar when she won and "everyone went wild."