What Do You Do When You Can’t Sleep?
We frequently talk about sleep on the MoSho for a few different reasons:
- Buzz does a lot of shopping while he's on sleep meds.
- We work odd hours, so sleep can be elusive to us.
- Lots of people struggle with sleep, and we want to help however we can. Nothing screws up a day like lack of sleep.
A new survey showed that 60% of people have difficulty falling asleep. On average, Americans get 10 really good nights sleep a month. So, what do we do when we can't fall asleep? Here are the top 10.
- Watch TV - 43%
- Roll around, toss and turn, or switch positions - 38%
- Read a book - 36%
- Check social media - 36%
- Read something online - 34%
- Get a drink of water - 34%
- Play a game on the phone - 32%
- Play video games - 31%
- Go for a walk - 28%
- Just lie there and stare at the ceiling - 26%
Me? I am number 10. Unless I really really can't sleep. Then I'll do something, and that's usually check my phone.
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