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Queensryche's biggest hit, like a lot of bands of the era, was a ballad. 'Silent Lucidity' is a gentle, acoustic driven song with orchestration to powerfully back the mood. Hey, even hardened metalheads can be softies at times! Here we have the song being played wonderfully by a young boy.
Geoff Tate on Todd La Torre-Fronted Queensryche Album: ‘I Won’t Listen to It’
Geoff Tate on Todd La Torre-Fronted Queensryche Album: ‘I Won’t Listen to It’
Geoff Tate on Todd La Torre-Fronted Queensryche Album: ‘I Won’t Listen to It’
As we are well aware, there are currently two version of Queensryche performing and releasing studio albums. This can be confusing for fans who may not keep up with music news and are more casual fans than devoted followers. Estranged singer Geoff Tate, who was fired from Queensryche by three of the founding members, recently sat down with Smashing Interviews Magazine to talk about his side of Que
Queensryche Trial On Hold
It looks like the legal battle for the band name Queensryche will rage on a bit longer. According to new court records, a continuance was granted, giving ousted frontman Geoff Tate and his wife Susan, who once managed the band, until January 27, 2014 to iron out the details of their case.

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