Survey: Americans Want Second Breakfast
That’s according to polling done by a bread company called Dave’s Killer Bread.
Accoprding to the unimpeccable source “company that wants to sell more food”, the majority of Americans not only eat a 2nd breakfast on occasion, they also think 2nd Breakfast should be recognized as an official meal. I’m left to wonder what other Hobbit inspired life choices we should be considering. Sure, people want 2nd Breakfast. But what about “elevensies”?
If we want to go all-in on this “back to the Shire” movement I have some suggestions:
- 1.) No shoes. Ever.
- 2.) Walking everywhere you go. We’ll need to do that with all these extra high-calorie meals.
- 3.) Mandatory public education in Ring Wraith Evasion
- 4.) I remember something from LOTR about Suraman accusing Gandalf of being “too fond of the Hobbit’s weed”. I’m not sure what that is but if Gandalf is fan I’d sure like to give it a try. I’m sure Texas will be one of the last states to legalize Hobbit Weed.
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