This summer has been hot and while you can tell when the heat is getting to you, your dog can't. Here are some warning signs that your pet could need help. It seems as though this summer has been even hotter than last. I don't remember spending this much time debating if the air should be above 80 degrees inside the house so I can save money on my electric bill, or should I just say "treat yourself" and turn that A/C on and make sure my pug doesn't overheat.

Let's be honest, the pug wins every time. Living in the summer heat is difficult but it can be deadly for your pet, especially is you're not aware of the warning signs that your pooch is getting too hot. Whether it's dehydration or heat stroke, people need to be aware of the warning signs that your pet needs to be cooled down asap, or even taken to the vet. When your dog is dehydrated, their body not only loses water but electrolytes and minerals needed. When your dog is overheating, this can lead to heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and can even lead to death. To make sure your pet is safe and happy during this summer's heat, here are some symptoms you may want to be on the lookout for.


  • Sunken eyes
  • Dry mouth, gums and nose
  • Poor skin elasticity (check by pulling the skin on your dog's neck. If it doesn't spring back quickly, your dog could be dehydrated.)

If you suspect your dog is dehydrated, immediately take them to the vet. Dehydration in a dog is severe and can be deadly quickly for your pet. Getting treatment fast is crucial to your pet's health.


  • Panting
  • Disorientation
  • Fast breathing
  • Collapsing or convulsing
  • Bright red or blue gums
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If your dog is suffering from any of these symptoms, you need to get them out of the heat immediately. Run cold water over a towel and wrap the towel around the dog's neck before taking them to a veterinarian. Your vet can figure out how severe the overheating is and take appropriate measures to make sure your dog is okay.

If you want to prevent your dog from suffering from dehydration or overheating, make sure they have access to plenty of water inside and outside. If the dogs are playing outside, make sure they also have access to shade and plenty of relaxing time. Keep a close eye on them while outdoors to make sure they aren't getting too hot. For more information on how to keep your dogs safe in the summer heat, please visit the Canine Health Foundation website.

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