Texas One Most Vulnerable States to Identity Theft and Fraud
WalletHub recently did a study about which states are most vulnerable to identity theft and fraud. Unfortunately it looks like Texas is pretty high on the list. New Mexico, however, is significantly lower. Here is how the rankings went, with number 1 being the most vulnerable.
- District of Columbia
- California
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- South Carolina
- Delaware
- Louisiana
- Texas
- New York
- Florida
- Georgia
- South Dakota
- North Carolina
- Tennessee
- Montana
- Miinnesota
- Oregon
- Illinois
- New Jersey
- Connecticut
- Alabama
- Pennsylvania
- Arizona
- Colorado
- Maryland
- Rhode Island
- Massachusetts
- Mississippi
- Idaho
- Utah
- Ohio
- Indiana
- Virginia
- Michigan
- Wisconsin
- Alaska
- Washington
- New Mexico
- Nebraska
- Iowa
- North Dakota
- Missouri
- Maine
- Arkansas
- Hawaii
- Kansas
- Oklahoma
- West Virginia
- Vermont
- Wyoming
- Kentucky
WalletHub used 15 key metrics to compile this list. Some of those metrics include identity-theft complaints per capita and average loss amount due to fraud.
Some quick tips for protecting yourself from identity theft and fraud.
- Protect your email - As much as you might think a lot of identity theft and fraud issues com from online back accounts, but your email holds a lot of the information that makes you vulnerable.
- Sign up for credit monitoring - This is the best way to monitor your credit report and be aware of any suspect activity.
- Use common sense - Common sense have suddenly become not so common. But don't put your information in a website you don't trust. Make sure you are paying attention to what your'e doing online.
You can get the full story over at WalletHub by CLICKING HERE.