Slipknot Member Threatens to Leak Band’s Long Delayed AlbumSlipknot Member Threatens to Leak Band’s Long Delayed AlbumJim Root has also grown tired of the long wait for Slipknot's oft-delayed 'Look Outside Your Window' and humorously threatened to do something about it.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Root: Why Slipknot Hired EloyRoot: Why Slipknot Hired EloyGuitarist Jim Root explained in a new interview why Slipknot hired Eloy Casagrande as their drummer in place of Jay Weinberg.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
All 18 Musicians Who’ve Been in SlipknotAll 18 Musicians Who’ve Been in SlipknotThey've had a few lineups.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Slipknot’s Wholesome Horseplay Is the Same as You With Your FriendsSlipknot’s Wholesome Horseplay Is the Same as You With Your FriendsSee a couple of chums just palling around.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Unreleased Slipknot Album May Finally Come Out in 2023Unreleased Slipknot Album May Finally Come Out in 2023It may come out around April Fool's Day, no joke.Selena FragassiSelena Fragassi
Corey Taylor + Jim Root Considering Project Outside Slipknot + Stone SourCorey Taylor + Jim Root Considering Project Outside Slipknot + Stone SourTaylor revealed their mutual interest in doing 'stuff on the side.'Chad ChildersChad Childers
11 Artists Who Turned Down Joining Huge Rock + Metal Bands11 Artists Who Turned Down Joining Huge Rock + Metal BandsThanks, but no thanks.Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Slipknot’s Jim Root: I’m Planning a Solo ProjectSlipknot’s Jim Root: I’m Planning a Solo ProjectRoot reveals his intent in this exclusive interview.Graham HartmannGraham Hartmann
Jim Root Originally Declined Joining Slipknot TwiceJim Root Originally Declined Joining Slipknot TwiceImagine he never had?Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Slipknot Are Discussing Ways to Play ‘We Are Not Your Kind’ in FullSlipknot Are Discussing Ways to Play ‘We Are Not Your Kind’ in FullHere's what Jim Root had to say.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita