Rockstar 101 – A Podcast with Shim and Brandon Coates
I met Shim last year when he came to town to promote is upcoming solo album and play an acoustic set. Long story short, we kept in contact. I'll get into that more on The After Buzz tomorrow, February 6, 2019. So if you're reading this after that, go ahead and click that link to get the whole story.
Fast forward to the beginning of this year and I get a phone call from Shim. He wants to get a podcast going and wants me to host it with him. So here we are now, with Rockstar 101 now available on Spotify or wherever else you get your podcasts.
Rockstar 101 is Shim and I talking about our experiences in the rock and radio worlds, plus covering random questions from listeners and also some pop culture nuggets.
To check out Rockstar 101, just CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE.
If you have a question or topic you'd like covered on Rockstar 101, you can hit up Shim on Twitter HERE.