Pamela Anderson Lecturing People About Porn Is Like…
Pamela Anderson and famous Rabbi Shmuley Boteach co-wrote an Op-Ed piece for the Wall Street Journal in which they call on-line pornography "devastating" to our culture and characterize people who watch on-line porn as, essentially, LOSERS.
"[It has a] corrosive effect on a man's soul and on his ability to function as husband, and, by extension, as father."
"...a boring, wasteful and dead-end outlet for people too lazy to reap the ample rewards of healthy sexuality."
I'm not even going to argue that any of that is wrong. Of course, people aren't proud of consuming pornography. At least, I don't think they are. I would argue that watching porn isn't necessarily a sign of "laziness". For many, it's all a matter of "available options".
No, what I am going to point out is (and I can't believe this even needs to be pointed out) is that Pamela Anderson GOT RICH AND FAMOUS BY DOING PORN! She's been on the cover of Playboy a record 15 times. I won't even count the sex tapes with Tommy Lee and Bret Michaels because they were supposedly "leaked without her permission". The point is, I'm being lectured about porn by a woman whose vagina I've seen multiple times and under various degrees of professional lighting.
But, not counting the sex tapes, porn is still the reason we even know who Pamela Anderson is. Practically everything she ever did to get rich and famous was porn because she was displaying her body for people who were, in her words, "too lazy to reap the ample rewards of healthy sexuality." Speaking of "healthy sexuality", I'm not here to champion the cause of pornography but, let's face it, no one ever caught an STD from cranking one out while watching Pornhub on their iPad.
Now, if Pam Anderson is saying she's seen the error of her ways, then I say "good for her". But it might help if she started off by admitting that she was once part of the problem and maybe even apologizing for it. Also, considering all that, maybe a slightly less condescending tone would be appropriate.
But, getting lectured and called a creep and a loser by someone who reaped untold riches from engaging in that exact behavior begs for comparisons. Therefore...
Pam Anderson lecturing me about watching porn would be like...
- A wolf lecturing sheep about biting.
- The NFL telling kids not to smoke pot because it "kills brain cells".
- The Pope, while sitting on a throne made of gold and jewels, telling people they shouldn't lust after material gain.
- Hillary Clinton telling Anthony Weiner to be more careful what he does on-line.
- Superman telling the Avengers to be more careful with the building when aliens attack.
- Fernie yelling at Joanna for being late.
- Brandon yelling at Fernie for losing his temper with Joanna.
- Kanye telling literally anyone in the world to "check their ego".
- Our government supporting Saudi Arabia while declaring war on "radical Islam".
- Almost anything that comes out of Trump's mouth.
- Matt Damon using his Jason Bourne press tour to cry about America's gun culture.
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