Today is Supreme Sacrifice Day. So today's poems are about movies with sacrifices. Answer are below.

  1. It came crashing out in the sea
    The boy heads out to see what it could be
    He attacks to protect
    With the boy he did connect
    He meets the missile to set them free
  2. He just wants to find out who he is
    But this story isn’t just about his
    They head to where it’s cold
    But she has to hold
    To stop the water she is a real wiz
  3. Why would they pick this group of guys
    To save us they have to head to the skies
    They end up getting split
    But their job, they won’t quit
    He makes sure that no one else dies
  4. The man wasn’t his real dad
    The tape could be considered a fad
    Blow it up from within
    He loses to win
    This leads to the ultimate bad
  5. These parts you should hold dear
    Even accepting there will be fear
    On the wagon they rode
    But he lightened the load
    This one will likely bring a tear


  1. The Iron Giant
  2. X2: X Men United
  3. Armageddon
  4. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
  5. Inside Out

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