MoSho Talks to Odessa, Tx., Man Who Changed his Name to Ernesto Trump
Ernesto Baeza Acosta of Odessa is now legally "Ernesto Trump". This after a judge granted his request for the name change. Ernesto claims that he's been a Trump supporter since the beginning.
We thought it was worth a try to ask our listeners on KBAT in Midland-Odessa to let Ernesto know we wanted to talk to him. Sure enough, about twenty minutes before the show ended, Mr. Trump gave us a call.
Ernesto told us he's really excited about getting his new driver's license with his new name which he expects sometime next week. He said he'll send us a copy of it when it gets in.
Our chat with Ernesto Trump is posted here for you. By the way, Ernesto is Hispanic. His parents came to the U.S. illegally over 40 years ago. Ernesto calls himself "The Undeportable" and says he would like to meet his "dad" and his "step-brothers and sisters".
At least now there's a Trump that Buzz actually likes.
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