Inauguration Day Drinking Game
Again, disclaimer here. No matter how much you want to drink during the inauguration, always drink responsibly and in moderation.
With the inauguration happening, I felt it was perfect for a drinking game. The festivities start tomorrow at 10:30 CST. I originally looked up the words that Trump uses the most and this website popped up. As I clicked through the words, this list had to be compiled during the campaign, because it's all super negative. Now he can still be negative, but I have a feeling he's going to be more positive during the inauguration.
So, with that being said. Take a drink every time:
- Trump says:
- "I", "me" or talks about himself
- "Amazing"
- "Great" or "greatest"
- "Best"
- "Bigly"
- Anytime someone goes to perform and you have to ask yourself "Who the f### is that?"
- When the cameras flash to Barack or Michelle Obama and they look bored, or disgusted.
- Or on the flip side, when you can tell they are fake smiling their way through it.
- And finally anytime Trump uses his signature hand movement. Pointer finger up, moving his forearm up and down