Does San Angelo Have “Happy Ending” Massage Parlors?
Heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend, who said there are places you can unload your wallet and... err... stress?
While scrolling through Facebook there was a post about massage parlors in the San Angelo area that help customers in more ways than a therapeutic massage.
Now, we do not want to disclose these locations as we DO NOT know if this rumor is true. However, the commenters disclosed a place near the loop. I checked it out for myself and noticed the parlor looked like a typical "happy ending" parlor. Being a 21-year resident of Phoenix, AZ, you know when you come across a dirty parlor; Blackout windows, flashy posters or lighting, and an eerie feeling.
While this is laughed at, most people think poor, miserable, lonely individuals are the common customers for these businesses. There is a major problem of human trafficking in the U.S. Sting operations are in place to close these types of illegal services.
But who know's if it's true, if you're a common resident of San Angelo, I'm sure this rumor has probably passed in a few conversations. Let us know if you have heard anything.