Bless His Heart, This is How Mike Bloomberg Thinks Texans Talk
Six democratic hopefuls will face off in the democratic debate on Wednesday night, days before the Nevada caucus. Debating will be Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. This debate will feature Bloomberg for the first time after he met the DNC's mandated polling threshold this week.
Bloomberg came in late to the race but he has really been throwing himself out there through advertising on television, radio and social media. Reports say that the Bloomberg campaign is paying over $2,500 a month to "deputy digital organizers" to promote him on social media. While I'm sure money is no issue to Bloomberg, no amount of money will be able to correct the very awkward attempt he made to sound like a Texan.
On February 13th, while at a Harris County democratic party event, Bloomberg attempted to relate to Texans by gloating about how his campaign was scaring Donald Trump.
As a lifelong Texan, I, in my entire life have never heard another Texan use the phrase "scared as a cat at the dog pound," but, I haven't been alive as long as Bloomberg has, so it's possible that it's an old timey saying. But then I realized that I was not the only one who was a bit confused, other Texans on Twitter concurred that this phrase is not a thing!
Even Ted Cruz weighed in, and for once, I agreed with the man!
In conclusion, Mike Bloomberg, we don't say that. Bloomberg is all hat, no cattle.