Bigfoot Hunter Offers Mosho ‘Proof’ of Three-Toed Sasquatch
This week we interviewed Jim Lansdale, founder of the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization. Jim and his group are the focus of the Destination America series Killing Bigfoot which premieres Saturday. The GCBRO's stated purpose is to "harvest" a Bigfoot as proof to the world that they actually exist.
The interview is posted below and then after that I've included a photo Jim Lansdale sent us as proof. I asked Jim how he could be sure he wasn't hunting an imaginary creature and he told me about a picture that proves that Bigfoot exists and that they only have three toes. "Wow", I thought, "That must be a really clear picture (unlike every other Bigfoot picture) if you can make out the number of toes on his Bigfeet". Take a look at this "evidence" and see if you think it's conclusive.
And now, here's the photographic proof. (PICTURE MAY TAKE A FEW SECONDS TO LOAD. Not that it matters. I mean, just LOOK at it.)
Yeah. I'm not sure that photo shows a Bigfoot. In fact, I'm not sure it shows anything. LITERALLY. I think it could be a gap in the, a picture of absolutely nothing.
Or, who knows? It could be Elvis.