It's good see Big Papi back up on his feet. If you aren't aware, David Ortiz (AKA Big Papi) was shot in his home country of the Dominican Republic back in June. It was pretty serious too. The Boston Red Sox even charted a plane back to the United States so he could receive proper treatment.

Fast forward to today. He's on Fox Sports as a baseball analyst, and he certainly hasn't lost his sense of humor. Here he is having a little fun with Frank Thomas' water on the set.

As I was looking up this video, I had Google auto-fill 'David Ortiz vs Frank Thomas' for me. So I clicked it and found some really good comparisons between the two.

You can find all the comparisons by CLICKING HERE. If you take into account that David Ortiz played more games than Frank Thomas, you could make the argument, The Big Hurt had the better career.

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