Avoiding The Valentine’s Day Doghouse
So, as often happens with us guys, I’ve waited until the last minute to buy something for the wife for Valentine’s Day.
As I’m scouring the recesses of my brain…and the internet…seeking something nice, I came to the realization that I’m not alone in this search. As shocking as this may seem, many men have no idea what to do for their woman for Valentine’s Day.
As a public service, here are some things to keep in mind. Ladies, you might want to print this out and tape it to the bathroom mirror, just in case.
- Unless she specifically requests it, avoid all household appliances. Especially, bathroom scales.
- Flowers and candy are just OK. No real ‘WOW’ factor here.
- Dinner out is nice. Good luck getting a reservation this late, though.
- Avoid the following at all costs. Teddy bears of any size or type (She’s not 4 years old!) The Hoody Footy (you weren’t really considering that were you?)
- Give her a foot rub with her favorite lotion. 15 minutes each foot is good. Ok, if touching her feet grosses you out or you just aren’t good at it, a spa or pedicure gift certificate is good. Don’t be cheap. Spend at least $50.
- Cook her favorite meal and do the dishes. You’d be surprised how much she’ll love it.
- Does she have a favorite perfume? Do you know the name of it? (If not, you’re already in trouble)
- Now, if expense is not an issue, you can never go wrong with jewelry. Just make sure it’s something you haven’t given her before.
- Something very simple my wife would love is a coffee or ice cream date. Just you and her. Leave the kids in the trunk. (just kidding!)
- Write her a love letter. (Don’t worry, you will not lose your man card over this.) A love letter expressing how you really feel about her and about how she makes you feel will bring happy tears. You will be her hero …at least until you mess up again.
Happy Valentine’s Day friends.
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