Jason Fanelli

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Website Reveals Future Setting and Zombies
Treyarch is following in Sledgehammer Games' footsteps by bringing Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 to the future, featuring robotic warfare, zombies and more.

Chef’s Instagram Post Accidentally Spoils Activision’s Tony Hawk 5 Reveal
A caterer's Instagram post at a dining event surrounded by half-pipes accidentally spoiled Activision's big reveal of Tony Hawk 5.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Trailer: Back In Black
Activision has released a teaser for the worldwide reveal of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 later this month.

Nintendo Tops February NPD Charts
Nintendo rises out of the red as Majora's Mask 3D claimed the top spot in software sales and 3DS handhelds outsold PlayStation and Xbox throughout February.

Cortana Heading to iOS and Android Devices
Cortana, Microsoft's answer to Apple's Siri digital assistant, is likely coming as a standalone app to both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store soon after the launch of Windows 10 this Fall.

Microsoft Lays Out The Black Friday Discount Bash
Microsoft is one of the first to detail what exactly will be on sale when its price slashing starts, posting a list to the Microsoft Store.

Assassin’s Creed Unity’s New Hidden Blade Made Into a Real Weapon
The certified blacksmith of 'Man At Arms' has made his own Hidden Blade weapon from Assassin's Creed Unity.

Bungie Executive Falls Victim to Swatting Prank
A Bungie executive was awoken at 4AM by police and a chopper flying over his head, the latest victim in the prank called "swatting."

Trials Fusion Multiplayer Will Be Updated Soon, Says RedLynx
A major upgrade is coming soon to Trials Fusion, and developer RedLynx has detailed all of the changes coming via Ubisoft's online blog.

Duke Nukem 3D Blasting Its Way to PS3 and Vita
Hail to the King baby, Duke Nukem is coming back to consoles.