Halloween on a Friday or Saturday is the best! You don't have to worry about being up the next day for work. Halloween any other day of the week sucks. If it's on a Tuesday, when do you celebrate? The weekend before? The weekend after?

Halloween needs to be easy and simple in regards to when we're going to party and go trick or treating. That's where the petition at Change.org comes in. The petition even brings up some stats about Halloween and safety, but those didn't really make the point that needs to be made.

Everything is better when Halloween is on a Saturday! It's plain and simple. Friday is good, but Saturday is best. You can spend the day getting things ready and putting the finishing touches your costume. Plus, you don't have to worry about getting up early the next day.

I know that the Change.org petitions don't necessarily mean a whole lot, but please go sign it.

And Dear President Trump,

I know things have been a bit rocky during your presidency. But, if you really want to do something that will unite the country AND will being great to be remembered for long after we're all gone, make this happen. Seriously, think about 100 years from now and people out celebrating Halloween on a Saturday and them thinking to themselves "Thank God for President Trump and him making Halloween the last Saturday of October every year."

Head on over to CHANGE.ORG and sign the petition.

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