Tool Keeping Friends ‘In the Dark’ About New Album
Tool have reportedly gone dark on new album updates, even to some of their closest confidants. In a new post on Tool’s official website, newsletter writer Blair says he can’t get a single piece of new info from the band.
It’s been a while since we’ve received a legitimate update on Tool’s next album. Back in June, Maynard James Keenan promised new music in 2019 while accepting the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Icon Award. Around the same time, it was reported that Justin Chancellor was “making great progress” recording bass and Danny Carey had completed his drum parts.
Dated July 31, Tool’s latest newsletter details a blackout beyond those physically working on the new album:
Well… I haven’t heard a peep pertaining to studio updates so make of that what you want. I know that it’s pretty typical in the ‘Tool world’ to be kept in the dark when projects such as recording sessions are ongoing, so what can I say? I’ve tried to get something… anything. I even checked out Hellboy’s fourtheye website to see if he managed to get wind of anything via the Net, but evidently he hasn’t. Keep checking, though (www.fourtheye.net). With that mind, I guess I’ll go have a couple of beers while playing video poker. Should Danny decide to pay me a visit (which he threatened to do a few weeks ago during my visit to Los Angeles), I’ll see if there’s anything that he can say on the record…about the record?
As mentioned, this could be a case of “no news is good news.” If it’s somewhat normal to be kept in the dark while major progress is happening… we may be getting close! As for guitarist Adam Jones, he posted a photo of his Hellmouth pedal on Instagram early this morning (Aug. 2), which could point to late night studio sessions for the axeman.
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