The After Buzz — July 11, 2018
On this episode of The After Buzz:
- I talk about people being easily offended. And for some reason people now believe if they are offended by something they are in the right, which is the furthest thing from the truth.
- There was some discussion in the YouTube chat about professional sports coming to El Paso and whether or not the city could sustain a top tier pro team.
- No, El Paso probably could not sustain anything from the NBA, MLB, NFL, or NHL. But that's what makes El Paso great. We're the perfect size for things like Triple-A baseball, such as the Chihuahuas.
- I tell a couple of bachelor party stories.
- One involves a hooker and a Taco Bell drive thru fight.
- The other involves wandering around Vancouver, BC, me yelling at a bouncer, and a buddy getting a ticket for peeing in public.
- No, I don't want a bachelor party of my own.