Mysterious Cattle Mutilations Have Hit Near San Angelo
We've all heard of the phenomenon known as cattle mutilations. As the common narrative goes, ranchers find cattle with organs removed as if with surgical precision. There is often little or no blood.
Finding rational explanations for these events is not easy. Some blame predators. Others blame cults. Still others say these events are due to government experimentation or UFO's.
Whatever the cause, there have been cases of this mysterious phenomenon here in San Angelo with the latest reports coming in 2017.
During the 2017 event, many cattle were found in Tom Green County with precise incisions and missing certain body parts, such as udders and reproductive organs. Law enforcement officials investigated the incidents, but no definitive cause or explanation was determined.
in 1996, there were reports of cattle mutilations in Coke County, which is about 50 miles northwest of San Angelo. This event was similar to others. According to the reports cattle were found with precise surgical incisions and missing tongues, eyes, udders and reproductive organs. There were no apparent signs of a struggle or violence.
There were reports of cattle mutilations in Runnels County in 1979.
The biggest rash of cattle mutilations occurred in 1975. Incidents around San Angelo were part of an outbreak of incidents spread all across the western states. Most of the incidents were in the counties surrounding Dallas. The nearest to San Angelo were in Concho County, about 60 miles northeast of San Angelo.
During this outbreak, several sheriff's deputies put forth a theory that the incidents were related to a Satanic cult. Several alleged members of the cult came forward, but most of their stories were discredited.
There were a number of theories put forward that the mutilations were part of a government investigation. Since cows are like giant lab rats outdoors and in the same general vicinity their whole lives, it would make sense to test their tissues for manmade chemicals that may have leaked into the environment. The removed organs would be consistent with tissues that would be tested for such chemical exposure.
The FBI has investigated twice and never come up with a satisfying explanation. There have been reports that the mutilated cow carcasses look as if they have been dropped from the air, as if lifted to a craft, mutilated and then dropped.
As often as this phenomenon has been reported near San Angelo, I couldn't find any archived news articles, or anything written about it. This is curious. If has been happening, why didn't our local press cover it? Is there a conspiracy going on.?
No official answer has ever been given. It is scary to know that whatever is causing this phenomenon has happened very close to San Angelo. We can only wonder when it will start happening again.

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