What Are the Fastest Growing Jobs In Texas?
There are some career segments that are shrinking, not just in Texas, but everywhere. Radio broadcasting is one of them. With syndication and automation, radio is a shadow of what it once was. Those jobs will never come back.
Some others include telephone operators, parking enforcement officers, watch and click repairers, door-to-door salesmen, floral designers shoe repairers, and pharmacy aides. With that in mind, what are the top fastest-growing jobs in Texas?
Here is the latest list from Best Colleges. Here is their website.
Fastest Growing Careers in Texas
Operations Research Analysts utilize data and analytical methods to improve an organization's decision-making. They apply statistical analysis, predictive modeling, and performance reviews to improve the operations of businesses and organizations.
Physicians Assistants examine diagnose and treat patients in many areas of medicine. hey typically work on teams under the supervision of a lead physician.
Dental Hygienists and Assistants work on dental teams. Hygienists clean and provide oral hygiene services. Assistants prepare dental patients and stations.
Market research analysts provide businesses and other organizations with information on market conditions. They target consumer groups and their purchasing habits and inclinations to get insights on demand, risks, and opportunities.
Self-enrichment teachers train people in non-academic or career-based fields. Some provide instruction on recreational disciplines and fitness.
Nurse practitioners provide primary care for patients, including examinations, diagnostics, and treatment programs.
Dentists care for patients' teeth and mouths. They repair cavities and damaged teeth, and provide services in the prevention of major oral health issues and restorative dental care.
Software developers create computer applications that help client and organizations accomplish tasks vital for operational needs.
Coaches and Scouts work with amateur, collegiate, and pro athletes. Scouts identify potential in athletes. Coaches oversee athletes' development in practices and games.
Financial Managers oversee and develop strategies for maximizing financial resources within an organization. They can also oversee investment portfolios and financial planning.
Windmill technicians are in demand, especially with the increasing number of wind farms in Texas.
Texas is definitely number one for new jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It's a great place to start your career, whatever you decide to do.

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