Some Lubbock Photographers Ruin Spaces With This Needless Act
Spring is a great time to be a Lubbock photographer. There are plenty of graduation and other celebration shoots to book, and there is also plenty of natural beauty in bloom to use as a stunning (and free!) backdrop.
However, some Lubbock photographers are ruining these spaces for everyone, and doing so quite needlessly, I may add.
Look at this image of a woman blowing a kiss of glitter. It's pretty, right? How many snaps of the camera do you think it took to get the glitter just right?
If you guessed ZERO, you are correct. The original image didn't have glitter, I added it using canva.com. It took about 2 clicks and 20 seconds of my time to do it, and I'm no professional photographer or graphic designer. A professional photographer will have a better eye and better software to make this effect stunning.
So why are photographers still using real glitter in their photo shoots? Trust me, I am not one to knock practical effects when they make sense. Real smoke and real fire look much better (and require a very safe space to use them), but glitter and confetti tend to clump up when thrown, do not usually catch the light correctly, etc.
Aesthetics aside, it's also incredibly selfish, rude, and potentially dangerous to use glitter or confetti and not pick up every piece from your outdoor shoot. The Lubbock Arboretum recently busted a group doing just that and posted them on their Facebook Page:
The photographers left behind a ton of litter, that is not only unsightly but also dangerous to the wildlife that inhabits the area. Animals see the bright colors, mistake them for food, and then can either choke to death or die of a bowel obstruction. That's not very pretty or fun.
This incident came to my attention because one of my favorite local photographers tagged me in the post. Proof that a responsible, professional photographer would never be so careless.
Yes, you are allowed to utilize our beautiful outdoor parks for photography. But you are not allowed to be so discourteous and rude as to leave behind a glitter or confetti mess.
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