I know I'm going to cause a little controversy here. Lubbock, Texas drivers can be really dumb.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Texas Drivers

Yes, this will be controversial, not be cause I said drivers can be dumb around these parts, but because people will no doubt say they've seen something much dumber. I'll go ahead and say that I won't argue this point with you. For those of you that are not aware, most Texas vehicles are equipped with a steering wheel that drains your I.Q. the minute you get behind it. Sorry, but it's true (at least you can take comfort in the fact that I said, "most").

The Incident

I witnessed the dumbest, stupidest, most idiotic exchange outside a Texas store this past weekend. Yes, we're talking about a parking exchange here, but it certainly included two people behind the wheel and a honkfest like no other honkfest I have ever been a part of.


A good parking space can be hard to find outside of a big store. If there's one available, I'll take it, but I absolutely refuse to circle a parking lot waiting for one. If my leg was broke, I might consider it, but the number of "healthy" people who make a good parking space their missing is unbelievable. My take is, just walk. Walking is good for you.

Parking Lot Hijinks

So, here you go. I saw a rather large black truck starting to back out of a parking space. A silver car had pulled up behind it so that they could whip into the space. The truck started to back up and the silver car honked to let the truck know they were there. Then they just stay there, they didn't give the truck any room to get out. So the black truck honked, which went right over the head of the silver car, who was still blocking the way. The silver car then got mad and laid on their horn, then the black truck laid on their horn, and pretty much the whole parking lot of people were watching these two jackasses engage in a standoff. The end result was that the black truck said "the heck with it" and backed dangerously close to the silver car before getting out.

Your Take?

I'm not sure how you would have handled the situation, or if you would have been in it at all. Personally, if I was in the black truck I would've pulled back into my space, shut it off, and scrolled on my phone until the path behind me was clear.  Fortunately no one got heated to the point of actually fighting over this incident, but it was one of the stupidest encounters I've ever seen.

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