We are now more than a week removed from Game of Thrones and have to sit and wait patiently until the final season is released. Or, rather than sitting and waiting patiently, we can pick things apart and find things we've never seen before. Like this fan theory about the deaths in the show.

Thanks to reddit user razobak09 for all of this:

Characters who were killed in the same or similar fashion as in their most infamous moments. In no particular order:

  • Ned Stark used his greatsword Ice to behead the Night's Watchman; he was beheaded with his own sword.
  • Joffrey gave the command to execute Ned; he was killed in a way that took away his ability to speak. (I reached pretty far for this one, I'll admit)
  • Tywin ordered the Red Wedding, where numerous Stark men were killed by crossbow-wielding musicians; he was killed by a crossbow.
  • Roose Bolton killed Robb Stark with a knife to the heart; he was killed by a knife to the heart.
  • Walder Frey ordered Catelyn Stark's throat cut at the end of the Red Wedding; he had his throat cut by Arya.
  • Ramsay Bolton was fond of feeding people to his hounds; he was fed to his own hounds.
  • The Sand Snakes were each killed in a way that mirrored their own style: Nymeria was strangled by her own whip, Obara was impaled with her own spear, and Tyene was killed by her favorite poison.
  • Olenna Tyrell killed Joffrey with poison; she was executed with poison.
  • Littlefinger betrayed Ned Stark by putting a knife to his throat, and the Valyrian Catspaw Dagger was used in the attempt to have Bran Stark assassinated, which he intentionally blamed on the Lannisters, sparking the Lannister-Stark conflict. He was executed by having his throat cut by the Valyrian Catspaw Dagger.

Edit: changed the wording about Bran's attempted assassination.

Are there any more that I haven't thought of?

Edit 2: Some of the best ones from the comments!

  • Jon killing his Night's Watch brother Qhorin Halfhand; he was later killed by his Night's Watch brothers.
  • Ygritte killed many people with arrows; she was killed with an arrow.
  • Polliver killed What The Fuck Salami with Needle through the throat; Arya killed Polliver in the same fashion.
  • Lysa Arryn loved throwing people through the Moon Door; she was shoved through the Moon Door.
  • The One True King Stannis the Mannis killed his brother by way of his female assistant; he was later killed by his brother's female assistant.
  • Lastly, Tywin gave Tyrion shit his entire life, literally making him in charge of all the sewers of Casterly Rock; Tyrion killed him on the shitter.


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