Concho Valley’s United Way Receives Funding
FEMA has granted the Concho Valley United Way funding through the Emergency Food and Shelter Program with money totaling over $84,000 in two phases.
This funding is designed to ease the burden on local health and human service agencies providing emergency food and shelter.
Aspen Robert, Community Impact & Marketing Associate for the United Way of the Concho Valley said “This can go towards buying hotel and motel rooms, it can go to the regional food bank, it can go to food pantries, and it can go to supplies and equipment that are serving these individuals during this time”.
Robert said agencies looking for funding need to submit an application to the United Way by 10:00 am, May 28th. This can be done by calling (325) 949-3716, or email Aspen Robert at aspen@uwcv.org.
During the past two months, the United Way of the Concho Valley has provided gift cards for furloughed medical workers, donated to the San Angelo Area Foundation, served as a hub for individuals looking for resources and more.
The mission of the Concho Valley’s United Way is to increase the organized capacity of people to care for one another and currently serve 14 counties in the area. Click on uwconchovalley.org for more information on the United Way of the Concho Valley.

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