One year removed from Avengers: Endgame, Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe begins with Black Widow, starring Scarlett Johansson as the Russian spy turned Avenger as she returns home and reunites with the allies she left behind many years earlier.

The new – and supposedly final — trailer gives us our best look yet at the movie’s villain: The Taskmaster, who has the power to copy other people’s fighting moves (which in this clip includes Captain America and Hawkeye). It also reveals that Taskmaster is actually the guy in charge of the famed “Red Room” where spies like Natasha are trained against their will. It’s up to Natasha and fellow Red Room alum Yelena (Florence Pugh) to stop him. Take a look:

Here’s the film’s official synopsis:

In Marvel Studios’ action-packed spy thriller “Black Widow,” Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow confronts the darker parts of her ledger when a dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past arises. Pursued by a force that will stop at nothing to bring her down, Natasha must deal with her history as a spy and the broken relationships left in her wake long before she became an Avenger. Scarlett Johansson reprises her role as Natasha/Black Widow, Florence Pugh stars as Yelena, David Harbour portrays Alexei/The Red Guardian, and Rachel Weisz is Melina.

And here is the full new poster for the film:


Black Widow opens in theaters on May 1.

Gallery — Everything Announced to Date for Marvel’s Phase Four:

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