Bianca Bree, Daughter of Jean-Claude Van Damme, Roundhouse Kicks Us In the Heart
Action star Jean-Vlaude Van Damme is known for his movies, martial arts skills and now his gorgeous offspring.
Allow us to introduce you to Bianca Bree. The 21-year-old actress and producer is the daughter of Jean-Claude Van Damme. Bianca Bree, born Bianca VanVarenberg, is following in her father’s footsteps by pursing a career in making movies with Dennis Rodman acting. According to IMDB she’s been in six films so far and produced two others.
Van Damme joins the likes of Wayne Gretzky and Gavin Rossdale – both of whom have also produced awesomely hot daughters that managed to slip under the radar for a while.
We aren’t sure if Bianca is on the market or not, but if you are planning to ask her out, her father could inflict some serious pain. He might make you sit through a couple of his movies.
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