Alamo Drafthouse Closing Election Day To Encourage Voter Turnout
Alamo Drafthouse is closing the doors to their El Paso location and nationwide to encourage voters to head to the polls instead of the movies. The Texas-based chain Alamo Drafthouse has been a popular spot in many locations for people to come together and watch their state debates. At the beginning of October, Alamo Drafthouse locations in Texas had viewing parties for people to come and watch the debate of Senator Ted Cruz and his opponent Beto O'Rouke. The events were popular and many from both sides came together to watch our state's leaders debate the issues that are important to all Texans. Now the election is finally here and Alamo Drafthouse wants to make sure they do their part to get as many Texans as they can to the polls.
All 36 Alamo Drafthouse locations in 27 cities around the nation will be closing their doors until midafternoon on election day. The company wants to do their part to make sure their workers, as well as their customers, are able to get out there and make their voices heard in the elections. Tim League, Alamo Drafthouse founder and CEO says this is something he learned from his mother,
“My mom instilled in me at a young age the importance of voting in every election, and I try to pay that forward with the staff at Alamo. So, we’re closing our locations for the first round of shows and offering to pick up the tab on any staff member’s rideshare to a polling place.”
Alamo Drafthouse locations have been doing their part to make sure that people not only vote but even signed up to vote as well. They have had PSA running before their movies, partnered with various voter registration campaigns, held debate watch parties, and even had voter registration signup tables at their locations. This is just another step Alamo is taking to do their part to help people get out and vote!
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